Who does sheltered education benefit?
The answer is pretty simple: the students themselves! With this methodology, students are able to access the daily instruction that would not be available under the traditional method. Language proficiency is taken into account when planning, delivering and assessing instructional content. As a result, students are able to progress in their learning rather than stagnate for months and possibly years.
Who does sheltered instruction benefit? It can be argued that a sheltered instruction environment benefits all students, whether or not they are English Language Learners.

The techniques and strategies used are simple and universal. Many principals have commented that these strategies are in fact, “best practice”.
The idea isn’t just to “get the students’ attention”; it’s also to teach the students. So while many people may discount this as some sort of “waste of money,” the truth is that it could really help those students who really need it and will benefit their education overall.
Who does sheltered instruction benefit? In my experience as a bilingual-ESL Instructional Coach, I’ve found that Sheltered Instruction also benefits the teacher. By having more of the content made accessible to their English Language Learners, the teachers achieve better results. Whether we’re talking about assessments, productivity, or engagement, teachers experience greater success and satisfaction in their instructional practice.
Check out the following link to access frequently asked questions on ESL and Bilingual Law in New Jersey.
Frequently Asked Questions About English Language Learners, Part 1
Free Sheltered Instruction Online Course
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